1. Daily Puja (worship of deities) is being held by the priest.
2. Weekly Puja is being held on every Sunday by the priest.
3. Monthly Satya Narayan Puja (worship of God) is being arranged on first Saturday of every month generally.
4. Religious instructions are being provided to the children of the Hindu community by the religious leaders and the priest.
5. Religious and spiritual discussion sessions for the members of the Hindu community are being conducted by the religious gurus and experts from inside and outside of Canada from time to time.
6. Durga Puja (worship of goddess Durga), Laxmi Puja (worship of goddess Laxmi), Saraswati Puja (worship of goddess Saraswati), Kali Puja (worship of goddess Kali) and some other Pujas according to Hindu culture are being held as and when they fall due.
7. Different groups in the Hindu community, who are the disciples/followers of the different gurus such as Ram Thakur, Ramkrishna Paramhansha Dev, Baba Loknath, Thakur Anukul Chandra, Prabhu Jagatbandhu, Swami Prabhupad and any other guru are organizing separate religious functions in honour of their gurus on different occasions.
8. Other religious activities such as the solemnizing of marriage ceremonies, Annaprasan (the first day of rice eating) for the children, birthday ceremonies, anniversaries, after-death rituals and some other religious and cultural functions are being held regularly.
9. All those activities are being followed by Prasadam (holy food) at the dining hall of the Temple.